School District of Clay County
Green Cove Springs, Florida
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School
2233 Village Square Parkway

Hearings for Special Actions regarding Students - 4:00 p.m
Regular Meeting - Immediately following the 7:00 p.m. Organization Meeting

November 18, 2008 Regular Meeting

Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order (7:15 p.m.)
1. Attendance

Minutes: Present:  Carol Vallencourt, District 1; Carol Studdard, District 2; Charles Van Zant, Jr., District 3; Frank Farrell, District 4; and Lisa Graham, District 5.  Superintendent Ben Wortham was also present.

Consent Agenda

2. C-1 Minutes of student disciplinary hearings and regular meeting on October 16, 2008
Attachment: Oct1608.pdf
Attachment: Oct1608Disc.pdf (Confidential Item)
School Board Members

3. C-2 Contract with Daniel Delves for Secretarial Assistance to School Board Attorney
Attachment: DPD CONTRACT 2008-09.pdf
Deputy Superintendent

4. C-3 Amendments to the 2008-2009 Staff Allocations
Attachment: Allocation Summary - Current Backup.pdf
5. C-4 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 Student Calendars
Attachment: Calendar - Student 2009-2010.pdf
Attachment: Calendar - Student 2010-2011.pdf
6. C-5 Advertise Amendments to CCSB Policy 6GX-10-1.08 Citizen's Advisory Councils
Attachment: CCSB - Amendment 1 08 School Advisory Councils - Advertise.pdf
Human Resources

7. C-6 Personnel Consent Agenda
Attachment: Personnel Consent Agenda 11-18-08.pdf
8. C-7 Student Teaching Affiliation Agreement Between Flagler College and District School of Clay County
Attachment: Flagler College Agreement.pdf
9. C-8 Student Teaching Affiliation Agreement Between University of West Florida and District School of Clay County.
Attachment: University of West Florida agreement.pdf

10. C-9 Co-Enrollee list for October 2008
Attachment: Co-Enrollee list for October 2008.pdf (Confidential Item)
11. C-10 Imagine Schools at Clay County Charter Application
Attachment: Imagine Schools Charter Application.pdf
Attachment: Imagine Schools Charter Application Opinion Letter-Non Profit Organization (3).pdf
Attachment: Imagine Schools Charter Application Copy of Clay - Application Submittals (2).pdf
Attachment: Imagine Findings 10 09 08 final.pdf
Attachment: Imagine Application Rubric 10 09 08.pdf
12. C-11 Consultant fee for Melissa Forney to conduct four days of writing training at Wilkinson Elementary School
Attachment: Vita-Forney, Melissa.pdf
Attachment: Contract-WES 2008 Melissa Forney.pdf
13. C-12 MACs contract with School Board of Seminole County, 2008-2009, revised.
Attachment: Seminole MACS contract 0809 revised.pdf
14. C-13 Bannerman Learning Center Placements in Lieu of Expulsion and ESE Alternative School Update
Attachment: BLC placements.pdf
15. C-14 Interagency Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and the Teen Court of Clay County
Attachment: Teen Court IA.pdf
16. C-15 Contract between the School Board of Clay County and Translator
Attachment: Translator.pdf
17. C-16 2008-2009 School Improvement Plans
18. C-17 2008-2009 SAC Membership Reports
Attachment: 2007 State Law on SACs.pdf
Attachment: Legislative Updates for SACs.pdf
Attachment: AES SAC Membership-Compliance Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: BLC SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: CEB SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: CGE SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: CHE SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: CHS SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: DIS SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: FIE SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: FIH SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: GCSJH SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: GPE SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: KHE SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: KHHS SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: LAE SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: LAJH SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: LES SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: LJH SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: MBE SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: MCE SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: MHS SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: MRE SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: OLS SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: OPE SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: OPH SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: OPJH SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: OVE SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: PES SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: RHS SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: ROE SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: RVE SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: SBJ SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: SLE SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: SPC SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: TBE SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: TES SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: WEC SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: WES SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
Attachment: WJH SAC Membership-Composition Report 2008-2009.pdf
19. C-18 Student Travel
Business Affairs

20. C-19 Monthly Property Report - October, 2008 - Furniture/Equipment
Attachment: Furniture-Equipment Report-October, 08.pdf
21. C-20 Monthly Property Report - October, 2008 - AV Materials
Attachment: Audiovisual Report-October, 08.pdf
22. C-21 Monthly Property Report - October, 2008 - Software
Attachment: Software Report-October, 08.pdf
23. C-22 Monthly Property Report - October, 2008 - Vehicles
Attachment: Vehicles Report-October, 08.pdf
24. C-23 Deletion of Certain Items Report - November, 2008
Attachment: Deletion Report-November, 2008.pdf
Attachment: Deletion Report (Attachments)-November, 08.pdf
25. C-24 Warrants and Vouchers for OCTOBER, 2008
Attachment: Warrants and Vouchers October, 2008.pdf
26. C-25 Ridgeview High School to obtain a Certificate of Insurance for Fireworks at the Football Game on November 14, 2008 to Salute Our Military Personnel
Attachment: RVH20081104150020908.pdf
27. C-26 Budget Amendments for the Month of October, 2008
Attachment: impact stmt_OCT 2008.pdf
Attachment: General Fund Revenue.pdf
Attachment: General Fund Appropriations.pdf
Attachment: Debt Service Funds.pdf
Attachment: Capital Projects Funds.pdf
Attachment: School Food Services Funds.pdf
Attachment: Special Revenue Funds.pdf
Attachment: Internal Service Funds.pdf
28. C-27 Monthly Financial Report for October, 2008
Attachment: MONTHLY FINANCIAL-Sum Cash-Oct,2008 pg1.pdf
Attachment: MONTHLY FINANCIAL OCT 2008-GREV-2 (3) pg2.pdf
Attachment: MONTHLY FINANCIAL OCT 2008-GREXP-3 pg3.pdf
Attachment: MONTHLY FINANCIAL OCT 2008-DSREVEXP-7 pg4.pdf
Attachment: Capital Projects Oct 2008 pg5.pdf
Attachment: Capital Projects By Project Oct 2008 pg6.pdf
Attachment: MONTHLY FINANCIAL Oct 2008-CAP PROJ FUNDS pg7.pdf
Attachment: MONTHLY FINANCIAL OCT 2008-SPREV42X-8 pg9.pdf
Attachment: Monthly Financial OCT 2008-INSURANCE pg10.pdf
29. C-28 Bids to Be Awarded November 2008
Attachment: 11_18_08 Tab for Bid 09-BA-101.pdf
30. C-29 Bid Renewals November 2008
31. C-30 Payment of Bonds for Superintendent, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Board Member
32. C-31 Bank Resolutions due to Change of Superintendent and School Board Chairperson
Support Services

33. C-32 Pre-Qualification of Contractors
Attachment: Contractor List 11,18,08.pdf
34. C-33 Educational Facilities Plan Amendment 1
Attachment: EFP Amendment 1.pdf
35. C-34 Easement with Centex Homes at Thunderbolt Elementary School
Attachment: Centex TBE Easement 11.08.pdf
36. C-35 Redesignate OakLeaf School to OakLeaf Junior High School
37. C-36 Deductive Change Order 8 for Plantation Oaks Elementary School
Attachment: Chng Order 8 POE.pdf

Adoption of Consent Agenda
38. Adoption of all remaining Consent Items

Approve the Consent Items as presented, with the exception of C-10 which was withdrawn. - PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Lisa Graham
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Aye

Recognitions and Awards (There were none)
Scheduled Citizen Requests (There were none)
Presenters (There were none)
Discussion Agenda
School Board Members

39. Discussion on Evaluation Instrument for School Board Attorney

Table item until such time as the Superintendent, Board Chairman and Board Attorney can meet and have information to bring back to the School Board.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Vallencourt
Second: Lisa Graham
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Aye

Deputy Superintendent

40. Public Hearing - CCSB Policy 6GX-10-1.12 Anti-Bullying and Harassment
Attachment: CCSB - Amendment 1.12 Anti-Bullying & Harassment - Public Hearing.pdf
Minutes: The public hearing was held with no one present to speak to the item.

Approve policy with the following additional language on Page 7, end of paragraph 4, "and collective bargaining agreements."- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Lisa Graham
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Aye

Human Resources

41. Human Resources - Special Action "A"
Attachment: HR Special Action A - 11-18-08.pdf (Confidential Item)

Approve the action as presented.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Vallencourt
Second: Lisa Graham
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Aye

42. Human Resources - Special Action 'B"
Attachment: HR Special Action B - 11-18-08.pdf (Confidential Item)

Approve the action as presented. - PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Carol Vallencourt
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Aye

43. Human Resources - Special Action "C"
Attachment: HR Special Action C - 11-18-08.pdf (Confidential Item)

Approve the action as presented.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Vallencourt
Second: Lisa Graham
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Aye

44. Human Resources - Special Action "D"
Attachment: HR Special Action D- 11-18-08.pdf (Confidential Item)

Approve the action as presented.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Lisa Graham
Second: Carol Studdard
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Aye

45. Human Resources - Special Action "E"
Attachment: HR Special Action E - 11-18-08.pdf (Confidential Item)

Approve the action as presented. - PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Lisa Graham
Second: Frank Farrell
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Aye

Presentations from the Audience
46. Ken Carter

Minutes: Mr. Carter spoke on behalf of the CESPA bargaining unit.  He welcomed the new elected officials and thanked the School Board for the good working relationship between the Board and the union.
47. John Colvin

Minutes: Mr. Colvin addressed the Board concerning the bidding procedures for the exterior painting of the main building at W. E. Cherry Elementary School.

Superintendent Requests
48. Workshop - December 8, 2008


Superintendent Wortham first took the opportunity to thank the citizens for their support in the recent election.  Mr. Wortham expressed how honored and excited he is to serve Clay County as the Superintendent of Schools.

Moving on to business, Mr. Wortham requested a workshop be set for Monday, December 8, 2008 to discuss Facility matters, including the Governors Park DRI and redistricting issues.  The meeting was set for 3:00 p.m. on December 8, 2008.

School Board's Requests
49. Thank You's and Welcomes

Minutes: Mrs. Studdard and Mr. Farrell thanked supporters and were welcomed by fellow Board Members.  Mr. Van Zant relayed his honor to serve as Board Chairman.
50. Student Disciplinary Actions

Minutes: Ms. Graham asked that the Board review its current practice to delay action on student disciplinary cases when the students have withdrawn from the school system.  By taking action on these students, other districts would have access to a record of the disciplinary actions taken in Clay County.  The issue will be discussed with the Superintendent, the attorney and staff, and a recommendation brought back to the Board.

Adjournment (7:35 p.m.)

